The Feast of Christ The King is traditionally celebrated the last Sunday in October and currently the second to last Sunday in November.  The Novenas start 2 Fridays before the Feast.

We should celebrate both times, because most people put anyone and everyone else before God, and we want to make up to Him for that fact and be blessed ourselves.  If we don’t put God, first, last, and always, we will not be able to enjoy eternity forever in Heaven with Him, because putting anything or anyone before God or before doing His Will is IDOLATRY!  Since God only put each person on earth, to do His Will — He made each one of us for Himself and not for anyone or anything else, we have to ask Him, daily:  “Lord, help me to discern Thy Will and fulfill it, now and always.  Amen.”   When we obey His Ten Commandments — NOT suggestions — try to fulfill the new Commandments — the Beatitudes — and do what He has planned for each one of us to do, we are at peace with Him and are more able to be at peace with others.  He did not promise us happiness here on earth, but we will at least be at peace and much more able to deal with all of the “crosses” here on earth, which we will have to carry in Union with Jesus, after Jesus, in order to reach Heaven with Him.

What does “king” mean exactly?  We know that it means a ruler, who is not elected, usually based on ancestry, although this title and power can be won by conquest, as well.  Why do we call Jesus Christ, “King”?  This introductory paragraph in the daily missal for the Tridentine/Traditional Mass pretty much explains it:

Christ Is Fully The Spiritual King of all mankind, for He Is The Giver of life, The Maker of Law, The Supreme Judge and Ruling Authority, in the minds and wills and hearts of human beings.  He Is King of mankind by natural right, because He Is The Divine Maker and Sustainer of the universe, and He took human nature unto His Divine Person.  He Is King, by acquired right, because He redeemed mankind by The Sacrifice of His Body and Blood.  The Lamb of God, from The Throne of His Cross, reunited all peoples.  Although formerly separated by sin, they became one kingdom, one family, and prospective members of one Mystical Body [The Catholic Church united with Christ].” 

(taken from:  Daily Missal of The Mystical Body, ed., by the Maryknoll Fathers, Imprimatur:  Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, A.D. July 6, 1959, copyright:  P.J. Kenedy & Sons, NY, A.D. 1960.)

Pray this prayer daily, but especially in    public on the Feasts of Christ The King:


O Most Sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us, humbly prostrate before Thine Altar (outside a church or oratory, say:  “in Thy Presence”).  We are Thine, and Thine we wish to be; but to be more surely united with Thee, behold, each one of us freely consecrates himself today to Thy Most Sacred Heart.  Many, indeed, have never known Thee; many, too, despising Thy Precepts, have rejected Thee.  Have mercy on them all, Most Merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy Most Sacred Heart.  Be Thou King, O Lord, not only of Thy Faithful, who have never forsaken Thee, but also of Thy prodigal children, who have abandoned Thee; grant that they may quickly return to their Father’s house, lest they die of wretchedness and hunger.   Be Thou King of those, who are deceived by erroneous opinions or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbor of Truth and unity of Faith, so that soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd.  Be Thou King of all of those, who are still involved in the darkness of idolatry or of Islamism, and refuse not to draw them all into The Light and Kingdom of God.  Turn Thy Eyes of Divine Mercy toward the children of that race, once Thy Chosen People.  Of old, they called down upon themselves The Precious Blood of The Savior; may It now descend upon them a Laver of Redemption and of Life.  Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm.  Give peace and order to Thy Nations, and make Thy earth resound from pole to pole with one cry:  “Praise to The Divine Heart, that wrought our salvation; to It be honor and glory for ever!”  Amen. 

(taken from the Raccolta).


 PRAYERS (PROPERS) for The Feast of Christ The King (traditional):

The Feast of the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ:

White 1st Class


Apoc. 5:12; 1:6; Ps. 71:1
Dignus est Agnus qui occí­sus est, accípere virtútem, et divinitátem et sapién­ti­am, et for­titúdi­nen, et honórem. Ipsi glória et impéri­un in sæcu­la sæculórum. (Psalm) Deus, judí­ci­um tuum Regi da: et justí­ti­am tuam Fílio Reg­is. Glo­ria Patri. Dignus est… The Lamb that was slain is wor­thy to receive the pow­er and divin­i­ty and wis­dom and strength and hon­or: to Him be glo­ry and empire for ever and ever. (Psalm) Give to the King, O God, Thy judg­ment, and to the King’s Son Thy jus­tice. Glo­ry be to the Father. The Lamb…


Omnípotens sem­pitérne, Deus, qui in diléc­to Fílio tuo, uni­ver­sórum Rege, ómnia instau­ráre voluísti: con­céde propítius; ut cunc­tæ fam­fíliæ Gén­tium, pec­cáti vúl­nere dis­gregátæ, ejus suavís­si­mo sub­dán­tur império: Qui tecum viv­it et regnat Almighty and eter­nal God, Who hast wished to restore all things through Thy beloved Son, the King of the uni­verse, gra­cious­ly grant that all the fam­i­lies of the Gen­tiles sep­a­rat­ed by the wound of Sin, may be sub­ject­ed to His most lov­ing domin­ion, Who with Thee liveth and reigneth.


Col. 1:12–20
Fratres: Grá­tias ágimus Deo Patri, qui dig­nos nos fecit in partem sor­tis sanc­tórum in lúmine, qui erípuit nos de potestáte tene­brárum, et trán­stulit in reg­num Fílii dilec­tió­nis sua, in quo habé­mus redemp­tiónem per sán­guinem ejus, remis­siónem pec­ca­tórum. Qui est imá­go Dei invisí­bilis, pri­mogéni­tus ómnis cre­atúræ; quó­ni­am in ipso cón­di­ta sunt uni­vér­sa in coelis et in ter­ra, vis­i­bília et invis­i­bília, sive throni, sive dom­i­natiónes prin­cipá­tus, sive potestátes: ómnia per ipsum et in ipso creá­ta sunt: et ipse est ante omnes, et ómnia in ipso con­stant. Et ipse est caput cór­poris Ecclésiæ, qui est princípi­um, pri­mogéni­tus ex mór­tu­is: ut sit in ómnibus ipse primá­tum tenens: quia in ipse com­plácuit omnem plen­itúdinem inhab­itáre; et per eum rec­on­cil­iáre ómnia, in ipsum, pací­f­i­can’s per sán­guinem cru­cis ejus, sive quæ in ter­ris, sive quæ in coelis sunt, in Chris­to Jesu Dómi­no nostro. Brethren, we give thanks to God the Father, Who hath made us wor­thy to be par­tak­ers of the lot of the saints in light: Who hath deliv­ered us from the pow­er of dark­ness, and hath trans­lat­ed us into the king­dom of the Son of His love. In Whom we have redemp­tion through His blood, the remis­sion of sins; Who is the image of the invis­i­ble God, the first­born of every crea­ture for in Him were all things cre­at­ed in Heav­en and on earth vis­i­ble and invis­i­ble, whether thrones, or dom­i­na­tions, or prin­ci­pal­i­ties, or pow­ers: aIl things were cre­at­ed by Hin and in Him. And He is before all, and by Him all things con­sist. And He is the head of the body, the Church. Who is the begin­ning, the first­born from the dead; that in all things He may hold the pri­ma­cy: because in Him it hath well pleased the Father that all full­ness should dwell; and through Him to rec­on­cile all things unto Him­self, mak­ing peace through the blood of His cross, both as to the things that are on earth, and the things that are in Heav­en, in Christ Jesus Our Lord.


Ps. 71:8,11
Dom­inábitur a mari usque ad mare, et a flu­mine usque ad tér­mi­nos orbis ter­rárum. Et adorábunt eum omnes reges ter­ræ: omnes Gentes sérvient ei. He shall rule from sea to sea, and from the riv­er unto the ends of the earth. And all kings of the earth shall adore Him: all nations shall serve Him.


Dan. 7:14
Allelú­ja, allelú­ja. Potés­tas ejus, potés­tas ætér­na, quæ non aufer­é­tur: et reg­num ejus, quod non cor­rumpé­tur. Allelúja. Alleluia, alleluia. His pow­er is an ever­last­ing pow­er that shall not be tak­en away: and His king­dom that shall not be destroyed. Alleluia.


Jn. 18:33–37
In illo tém­pore: Dix­it Pilá­tus ad Jesum: Tu es Rex Judæórum? Respón­dit Jesus: “A temetíp­so hoc dicis, an alii dixérunt tibi de me?” Respón­dit Pilá­tus: Numquid ego Judæus sum? Gens tua, et pon­tí­fices tra­didérunt te mihi: quid fecisti? Respón­dit Jesus: “Reg­num meum non est de hoc mun­do. Si ex hoc mun­do esset reg­num meum, minístri mei útiquè decertárent ut non tráder­er Judeis: nunc autem reg­num meum non est hint.” Dic­it ítaque ei Pilá­tus: Ergo Rex es tu? Respón­dit Jesus: “Tu dicis, quia Rex sum Ego. Ego in hoc natus sum, et ad hoc veni in mundum, ut tes­timóni­um per­híbeam ver­itáti: omnis qui est ex ver­itáte, audit vocem Meam.” At that time: Pilate said to Jesus: Art thou the King of the Jews? Jesus answered: “Sayest thou this thing of thy­self, or have oth­ers told it thee of Me?” Pilate answered: Am I a Jew? Thy own nation, and the chief priests, have deliv­ered thee up to me: what hast thou done? Jesus answered: “My king­dom is not of this world. If My king­dom were of this world, My ser­vants would cer­tain­ly strive that I should not be deliv­ered to the Jews: but now My king­dom is not from hence.” Pilate there­fore said to him: Art thou a king then? Jesus answered: “Thou sayest that I am a King. For this was I born, and for I this came I into the world; that I should give tes­ti­mo­ny to the truth, Every­one that is of the truth, heareth My voice.”


Ps. 2:8
Pós­tu­la a me, et dabo tibi Gentes hered­itátem tuam, et pos­ses­siónem tuam tér­mi­nos terræ. Ask of Me, and I will give thee the Gen­tiles for thy inher­i­tance, and the utmost parts of the earth for thy possession.


Hós­ti­am tibi, Dómine, humánæ rec­on­cil­i­atió­nis offérimus: præs­ta, quæ­sumus; ut quem sac­ri­fíci­is præsén­tibus immolá­mus, Ipse cunc­tis Gén­tibus unitátis et pacis dona con­cé­dat, Jesus Chris­tus, Fílius tuus Dómi­nus nos­ter: Qui tecum viv­it et regnat. O Lord, we offer Thee this host for the rec­on­cil­i­a­tion of human­i­ty; grant, we beseech Thee, that Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord, Whom we immo­late in this sac­ri­fice, will bestow on all Gen­tiles the gifts of uni­ty and peace, Who with Thee liveth and reigneth.


Preface of the Kingship

Vere dignum et jus­tum est, aequ­um et salutare, nos tibi sem­per, et ubique gra­tias agere: Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus: Qui uni­gen­i­tum Fil­i­um tuum Domine nos­trum Jesum Chris­tum, Sac­er­dotem aeter­num et uni­ver­so­rum Regem, oleo exsul­ta­tio­n­is unx­isti: ut seip­sum in ara cru­cis, hos­ti­am immac­u­latam et paci­fi­cam offer­ens, redemp­tio­n­is humanae sacra­men­ta per­ageret: et suo sub­jec­tis impe­rio omnibus crea­turis, aeter­num et uni­ver­sale reg­num, immen­sae tuae traderet Majes­ta­ti: reg­num ver­i­tatis et vitae; reg­num sanc­ti­tatis et gra­ti­ae; reg­num justi­ti­ae, amor­is et pacis. Ed ideo cum Ange­lis et Archange­lis, cum Thro­nis et Dom­i­na­tion­ibus, cumque omni mili­tia coelestis exerci­tus hym­num glo­ri­ae tuae can­imus, sine fine dicentes: It it meet and just, right and for our sal­va­tion, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, ever­last­ing God: Who didst anoint, with the oil of glad­ness, Thine only-begot­ten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to be the eter­nal Priest and King of the uni­verse; that by offer­ing Him­self a spot­less Vic­tim and peace-offer­ing on the altar of the Cross, He might accom­plish the mys­ter­ies of man’s redemp­tion, and that hav­ing sub­ject­ed all crea­tures to His domin­ion, He might present to Thine infi­nite Majesty an ever­last­ing and uni­ver­sal King­dom; a king­dom of truth and life; and king­dom of holi­ness and grace; a king­dom of jus­tice, love, and peace. And there­fore with Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and Dom­i­na­tions and with all the hosts of the heav­en­ly army, we sing the hymn of Thy glo­ry, ever­more saying:


Ps. 28:10,11
Sedébit Dómi­nus Rex in ætér­num: Dómi­nus benedícet pópu­lo suo in pace. The Lord shall sit King for­ev­er. The Lord will bless His peo­ple with peace.


Immor­tal­itátis alimó­ni­am con­secúti, quæ­sumus, Dómine: ut, qui sub Christi Reg­is vexíl­lis mil­itáre glo­riá­mur, cum Ipso, in coelésti sede, júgiter reg­náre pos­sí­mus: Qui tecum viv­it et reg­nat… Amen. Fed with this immor­tal nour­ish­ment, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that we who glo­ry to fight under the stan­dard of Christ the King, may for­ev­er reign with Him on the heav­en­ly throne. Who with Thee liveth and reigneth…  Amen.
(tak­en from:

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