OUR LADY OF SORROWS:  September 15th:  Novena:  9/6–9/14: and the Friday before Good Friday — used to be Passion Friday changes with date of Easter, each year:

O Most Holy Vir­gin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ: by the over­whelm­ing grief Thou expe­ri­encedst when Thou wit­nessedst The Mar­tyr­dom, The Cru­ci­fix­ion, and The Death of Thy Divine Son, look upon me with eyes of com­pas­sion and awaken in my heart a ten­der com­pas­sion for those suf­fer­ing, as well as a sin­cere detes­ta­tion of my sins, in order that, being dis­en­gaged from all undue affec­tions for the pass­ing joys of this earth, I may long for the Eter­nal Jerusalem, and that hence­forth all of my thoughts and all of my actions may be directed toward this one most desir­able object.

Honor, Glory, and Love to our Divine Lord Jesus, and to The Holy and Immac­u­late Mother of God. Amen.” 

taken from:  http://www.marypages.com/PrayerstoMary.htm

OUR LADY OF RANSOM/MERCY:  Sep­tem­ber 24th;  Novena:  9/15–9/23:


Mem­o­rare, O Piisima Virgo Maria, non esse audi­tum a saeculo, quemquem ad Tua cur­rentem prae­sidia, Tua implo­ran­tem Aux­ilia, Tua peten­tem suf­fra­gia esse dere­lic­tum.  Ego tali ani­ma­tus con­fi­den­tia ad Te, Virgo Vir­ginum, Mater, curro; ad Te venio; coram Te gemens pec­ca­tor assisto.  Noli, Mater Verbi, verba mea despicere, sed audi pro­pi­tia et exaudi.  Amen.

Remem­ber, O Most Gra­cious Vir­gin Mary, that never was it known that any­one, who fled to Thy Pro­tec­tion, implored Thy Help, or sought Thine Inter­ces­sion, was left unaided.  Inspired with this con­fi­dence, I fly unto Thee, O Vir­gin of vir­gins, my Mother; to Thee do I come, before Thee I stand, sin­ful and sor­row­ful;  O Mother of The Word Incar­nate, despise not my peti­tions, but in Thy Mercy hear and answer me.  (Rac­colta #339)


Salve, Regina, Mater Mis­eri­cor­diae, Vita, Dul­cedo, et Spes nos­tra, salve.  Ad Te cla­ma­mus exsules filii Hevae; ad Te sus­pi­ra­mus gementes et flentes in hac lacry­marum valle.  Eia ergo, Advo­cata nos­tra, illos Tuos Mis­eri­cordes Ocu­los ad nos con­verte.  Et Jesum, Bene­dic­tum Fruc­tum Ven­tris Tui, nobis post hoc exsil­ium ostende, O Clemens, O Pia, O Dul­cis Virgo Maria! 

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, hail, our Life, our Sweet­ness, and our Hope.  To Thee do we cry, poor ban­ished chil­dren of Eve:  to Thee do we sigh, mourn­ing and weep­ing in this vale of tears.  Ah, then, our Advo­cate, turn Thine Eyes of Mercy toward us, and after this, our exile, show unto us The Blessed Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus, O Mer­ci­ful, O Lov­ing, O Sweet Vir­gin Mary!

(ex. Bre­var­ium Romano & Rac­colta #332)

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