ST. JOSEPH: Patron, Provider, & Protector!

St. Joseph, Patron, Provider & Protector!

(See following for Novenas.)

Please join millions if not billions of people, who make novenas in honor of the Chaste, Celibate Spouse of The Blessed Ever-Virgin Mary, the Virgin, Foster Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and Head of The Holy Family, Holy, Saint Joseph, whose Feasts are on:
March 19th (novena:  3/10–3/18),
May 1st, as Patron of Workers (novena:  4/22/-4/30).
(Another Feast from the beginning of the 20th Century was celebrated on the Third Sunday after Easter (novena begins 10 days before), and later on it was celebrated on the
Third Wednesday after Easter (novena begins 10 days before) -
we would do well to celebrate any and every Feast of St. Joseph).

Since Saint Joseph provided for The Holy Family by working outside the home, and Jesus worked as a “Go-fer” for him until he died, just before our Lord’s Public Ministry here on earth, St. Joseph is rightfully called our Provider and Patron of Fathers, Workers, Safeguard of Virgins and Families,… As The Holy Family House, located in the ghetto, depends solely on donations, we depend completely on St. Joseph to provide all material needs — he always comes through — you do have to persevere in prayer, and it has to be something, which our Lord wants you to have.

A good, short Novena prayer to pray to Holy Saint Joseph when you are in need of something material is:

Blessed Be The Name of Saint Joseph, now and forevermore!”

Pray this 9 times and then pray: “O Holy Saint Joseph, please show Thy Might, in Thy Holy Name and in
Thy Holy, Extended Family’s Name. Amen.
Then, offer this short, emergency novena to Saint Joseph for whatever
you need.

2.  LITANIAE SANCTI IOSEPH (English version)   There is a leader and a responder in litanies — they can also be sung.  Only the Pope can change or add to a litany — they are so important and powerful.  Don’t forget that every Wednesday is dedicated to St. Joseph.  V=Verse, read by the Leader or yourself if you are doing this by yourself;  R=Response

V.  Kyrie, eleison.
R. Kyrie, eleison.
V.  Christe, eleison.
R. Christe, eleison.
V.  Kyrie, eleison.
R. Kyrie, eleison.
V.  Christe, audi nos.
R. Christe, audi nos.
V.  Christe, exaudi nos.
R. Christe, exaudi nos.
V.  Pater de caelis, Deus,
R. miserere nobis.
V.  Fili, Redemptor mundi, Deus,
R. miserere nobis.
V.  Spiritus Sancte Deus,
R. miserere nobis.
V.  Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus,
R. miserere nobis.
(Response for each following name/title will be ora pro nobis.)
V.  Sancta Maria,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Sancte Ioseph,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V. Proles David inclyta,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Lumen Patriarcharum,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Dei Genetricis Sponse,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Custos pudice Virginis,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Filii Dei nutricie,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Christi defensor sedule,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Almae Familiae praeses,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Ioseph iustissime,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Ioseph castissime,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Ioseph prudentissime,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Ioseph fortissime,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Ioseph obedientissime,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Ioseph fidelissime,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Speculum patientiae,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Amator paupertatis,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Exemplar opificum,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Domesticae vitae decus,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Custos virginum,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Familiarum columen,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Solatium miserorum,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Spes aegrotantium,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Patrone morientium,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Terror daemonum,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Protector sanctae Ecclesiae,  R.  ora pro nobis.
V.  Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
R. Parce nobis, Domine.
V.  Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
R. Exaudi nobis, Domine.
V.  Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
R. Miserere nobis.
V. Constituit eum dominum domus suae.
R. Et principem omnis possessionis suae.
Deus, Qui in ineffabili providentia beatum Ioseph sanctissimae Genetricis Tuae Sponsum eligere dignatus es, praesta, quaesumus, ut quem protectorem veneramur in terris, intercessorem habere mereamur in caelis:  Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum.
R. Amen.                            (MP, p.122–124)

(Taken from:

 The Seven Sorrows / Seven Joys of Saint Joseph:

Find these Sorrows and Joys in the Bible, and meditate on each one for a little while.  Then, pray: “St. Joseph, pray for me!” or “Blessed Be The Name of St. Joseph now and forevermore!”

1st: When St. Joseph was going to leave The Blessed Virgin Mary/When Holy Archangel Gabriel announced that our Blessed Lady was pregnant with God The Son.

2nd: When St. Joseph could not provide better shelter than a stable for God The Son’s Most Blessed Nativity/When God The Son was born.

3rd: When God The Son shed His Most Precious Blood for the first time at His Circumcision/When St. Joseph gave Him The Name: Jesus.

4th: When Holy Simeon prophesied that “a sword of sorrow would pierce our Most Blessed Lady’s Soul”/When he thought about the many souls, who would be saved through His Divine Foster Son’s Most Sacred Death and Resurrection.

5th: When St. Joseph was forced to flee to Egypt with our Blessed Lady and His Divine Son/When St. Joseph thought about all of the idols of Egypt falling and breaking when they arrived there.

6th: When St. Joseph was allowed to leave Egypt, he feared for Jesus’ safety, because Archelaus was King of the Jews/When they were allowed to live in Nazareth in safety.

7th: When St. Joseph lost Jesus in the Temple for three days without knowing where our Lord had gone or why/When St. Joseph found our Lord in the Temple.

Incredible Prayer to St. Joseph
(from Pieta prayer booklet)

“O Holy Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before The Throne of God, we [changed from plural instead of singular] place in Thee all of our interests and desires.  Oh, Holy Saint Joseph, do assist us by Thy powerful intercession, and obtain for us from Thy Divine Son, Jesus, all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, so that,
having engaged here below Thy heavenly power, we may offer our thanksgiving and homage to the most Loving of Fathers [after our Lord].  O Holy Saint Joseph, we never weary contemplating Thee and Jesus asleep in Thine arms; we dare not approach while He reposes near Thy heart. Press Him in our names, and kiss His Fine, Most Sacred Head for us, and [please request that] He return [this] kiss when we draw our dying breaths.  O Holy Saint Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray for us. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Joseph
by St. Andre Bessette

O Good Saint Joseph of [Ville Marie], grant us what Thou wouldst ask if Thou wert in our place on earth with a numerous, family and numerous financial difficulties to overcome.  O Good Saint Joseph of [Ville Marie], be our help; hearken to our prayer.”

Prayer to St. Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death:

“O Holy Saint Joseph, Holy, Virgin Foster Father and Protector of our Lord, Jesus Christ, True, Chaste, Celibate Spouse of The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Blessed Head of The Holy Family, pray for us and for the suffering and dying of today and tonight.  Amen.”  (expanded)
(taken from the Pious Union of St. Joseph for the Suffering and Dying:

Let us know what St. Joseph does for you at:      JMJAJ@THEHOLYFAMILYHOUSE.ORG, and please let us know if we can publish it.

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