Enthrone The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus as King over you (if you are sin­gle), and, if pos­si­ble, over your fam­i­ly.  Do this for your busi­ness, office, non-prof­it, school, hos­pi­tal, etc., as well.  In this way, you are rec­og­niz­ing that Jesus Is indeed King of the uni­verse, of the world, of all hearts and that you want Him to reign in your heart and in those of the peo­ple most impor­tant to you.  You show every­one that Jesus comes first in your life, even before your fam­i­ly and your coun­try.  Jesus makes great promis­es to those, who do this.  In this chaot­ic, vio­lent world, Jesus brings order and peace.  If we take back soci­ety one person/one fam­i­ly at a time, through the Enthrone­ment of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus as King, peace will tru­ly reign, in the end.  As we have become a very unChris­t­ian soci­ety, there will be a back­lash, but noth­ing that is good, is ever easy, and, if we keep our goal in mind — HEAVEN — we will not have as hard of a time persevering.

How do I make the Enthrone­ment?  Nor­mal­ly, you make an appoint­ment with a good Priest to come to your home or office, and you make sure that as many fam­i­ly mem­bers or employ­ees are there, as pos­si­ble.  You will want to have a man­tle, an end table, or a bureau in the liv­ing room, upon which you can place an appro­pri­ate table cov­er­ing and rep­re­sen­ta­tion of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.  You will need to have at least an elec­tric can­dle and some flow­ers or plant set up on this table — you are mak­ing a small shrine for our Lord.  You will need to have a large, beau­ti­ful portrait/picture or stat­ue of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (and Immac­u­late Heart of Mary, as well as St. Joseph).  You will want to place pho­tos of those loved ones, who are not present, on the shrine, in front of Jesus.  You will want to order a cer­tifi­cate from:  The pro­gram for this Enthrone­ment, can also be obtained from the above Enthrone­ment Cen­ter.  Basi­cal­ly, the Priest will take the portrait/ pic­ture or stat­ue in pro­ces­sion around the prop­er­ty, into every room, claim­ing every inch for Jesus Christ The King.  You will pray and sing.  Then, if you or the Priest has a cer­tifi­cate, it will be signed by you and those present.  Maybe, you can serve some refresh­ments or enjoy din­ner togeth­er, afterwards.

The point of this Enthrone­ment is to con­se­crate you and your family/ busi­ness to Jesus Christ The King’s Most Sacred Heart, to place your­selves under His Author­i­ty, under His Pro­tec­tion, ask­ing for His Prov­i­dence to sus­tain and guide you here on earth to Heav­en with Him.  Family/group prayer should be done at least on Thurs­day evenings and Sun­days, as well as on spe­cial occa­sions, such as birth­days, anniver­saries, times of cri­sis, etc., in front of the fam­i­ly shrine.  Each Fri­day, the Feasts of The Sacred Heart, Cor­pus Christi, and Christ The King are very impor­tant to cel­e­brate well.  Each per­son should write on a small piece of paper, those things, spir­i­tu­al, men­tal, emo­tion­al, physical/material, with which he wants Christ The King to help, and these pieces of paper should be placed under the portrait/picture or stat­ue.  These peti­tions will thus be placed before the Throne of Christ The King in Heaven.

It is also indis­pens­able to con­se­crate your­self and your family/business to The Immac­u­late Heart of Mary, as She is our Moth­er and our Medi­a­trix of all graces.  Apply once again to the above­men­tioned Enthrone­ment Cen­ter to find the rit­u­al for this Con­se­cra­tion.  Also, to com­plete The Holy Fam­i­ly, I would ask the Priest to con­se­crate you and your family/business to the Com­pas­sion­ate, Just Heart of Joseph, Head of The Holy Fam­i­ly, our Patron, Provider, and Pro­tec­tor.  You could use the fol­low­ing words:  “O Joseph, Most Holy Guardian of Jesus and Mary, help us by Thy prayers in all of our neces­si­ties both of body and soul, that, togeth­er with The Blessed Vir­gin Mary and Thy­self, we shall praise and thank Christ Jesus, our Divine Redeemer.

(tak­en from “An Act of Con­se­cra­tion to The Holy Fam­i­ly”, approved by the Vat­i­can to enroll a fam­i­ly in the Arch­con­fra­ter­ni­ty of The Holy Fam­i­ly, insti­tut­ed by Pope Leo XIII.)

copy­right & All Rights Reserved:  The Holy Fam­i­ly House, Feast of our Lady of Oropa, A.D. 10/29/2011.
